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  • Collaborative starts 2nd phase of connectivity push

    Connecting for Health, a collaborative of public and private stakeholders, will be launching a new phase of its effort to promote electronic connectivity in health care. The projects steering group, comprising more than 50 leaders and decision makers in the health care industry is committed to creating an incremental road map to achieving electronic connectivity.
  • National model begun at regional level

    The Breakthrough Series Collaborative model effectively employed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) on a national level has been translated successfully to the regional level in the state of Washington, achieving significant improvement in the self-care efforts of diabetes patients and clinical improvements in areas such as blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Second time’s the charm for open-visiting effort

    Breaking with tradition is never easy, especially when it comes to such sensitive areas as the intensive care unit (ICU). But at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA, a second attempt at instituting open visiting in the adult ICU is working so well that is has become official policy.
  • Three keys to optimal results: Disclose, disclose, disclose

    Traditionally, medical error disclosures have not occurred due to fears of liability, as well as credentialing, sanctioning, and licensing concerns. However, new research suggests that not disclosing a medical error actually can leave a health care provider in a worse position than if the provider had disclosed the medical error.
  • JCAHO Update for Infection Control: JCAHO adds standard on infectious patients

    The Joint Commission is adding a new infection control standard for health care facilities that requires them to prepare for an influx of infectious patients. As part of emergency management activities, institutions must prepare for such an influx or the risk of an influx effective Jan. 1, 2005.
  • JCAHO Update for Infection Control: ICPs have the answers for JCAHO questions

    Be proactive and get ready for an onslaught of questions from critical inquiries to the out-of-the-blue variety if youre preparing for a visit from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, advise two infection control professionals who recently went through the process.
  • Criteria for Ceiling Lifts

    These are the criteria used by Salina (KS) Regional Medical Center when the hospital evaluated ceiling lift systems.
  • Hospital gets close to zero — in WC claims

    Ceiling lifts save backs. That is what Salina (KS) Regional Medical Center concluded, and the investment paid off.
  • NIOSH lower profile spurs reorganization protest

    Worried that the future clout of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is in jeopardy, occupational health advocates are pressing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to alter its reorganization plans.
  • Lessons learned: Use PAPRs to avoid fit-tests

    While much of the country struggles to comply with the new requirement for annual fit-testing of N95 filtering facepiece respirators used to protect against tuberculosis, hospitals in Washington state have some advice: Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) are an important tool in decreasing the burden of fit-testing, employee health and safety professionals say. They have had many years to learn that lesson. Based on a rule of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries in Olympia, they have conducted annual fit-tests since 1995.